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optimize your LinkedIn profile

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for More Followers & Clicks

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile:

1. Professional Profile Photo

– High-quality, professional headshot.
– Face takes up 60% of the frame.
– Dress for your industry.

2. Compelling Headline

– Go beyond your job title.
– Highlight expertise & the value you bring.
– Use keywords relevant to your space.

3. Custom URL

– Create a custom LinkedIn URL.
– Use your full name for easy recognition.

4. Detailed Summary

– Write a clear and engaging summary.
– Include your background, skills, and services.
– Use the first person and speak to your ICP.

5. Highlight Experience

– Keep it simple and short.
– Highlight biggest wins you got.
– Display tools you used.

6. Showcase Skills

– Add skills you want to be known for.
– Endorse others and ask for reciprocation.
– Get your top skills to 99+

7. Gather Recommendations

– Request recommendations regularly.
– Go to people you’ve had a great time working with.

8. Add Media

– Presentations, articles, videos, and other media.
– Showcase what you’ve done in business.
– Make it appealing and exciting to read.

9. Active Networking

– Connect with other active LinkedIn users.
– Personalize ALL connection requests.

10. Consistent Content Sharing

– Post valuable content 7 days a week.
– Share processes, listicles, actionable content.

11. Stay Updated

– Review your profile 1x per quarter.
– Update and optimize for more testing.
– Record and analyze the results.

Your LinkedIn profile plays a BIG role.

When people visit it, you want to impress them.

Think of it as your personal landing page.

Where someone can easily get a “snippet” of who you are.

Show your personality and don’t hold back anything.

The more honest, the better.

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